Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Demystified: A Thorough Beginner’s Handbook in Software Engineering

1. What Is the Software Development Lifecycle or SDLC?

The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a process used in software engineering to design, develop, test, and deploy software applications. It is a structured approach to software development that helps organizations improve the quality of their software products, reduce costs, and minimize risks. The SDLC encompasses several phases with goals, deliverables, and stakeholders.

In this article, we will discuss the various phases of the SDLC, including their benefits and challenges. We will also provide some best practices for implementing the SDLC in your organization.

2. Agenda for this Series

The remainder of the topics in this series can be found below:

3. What Are the Main Principles of the SDLC?

The Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) is a structured approach that allows software development teams to manage the delivery of large software projects. It can be characterized by the following:

  • The main stages of the SDLC are Plan, Build, and Deploy:
  • The SDLC comprises a sequence of stages, each providing the input to the next.
  • These stages can be grouped into roughly three categories: planning (requirement gathering, architecture, and high-level design), building (development and testing), and deployment (deployment, operations, and maintenance).
  • Is the SDLC Agile or Waterfall?
  • The SDLC is more fundamental than Agile or Waterfall and defines a generic framework for software development.
  • Although the SDLC steps are sequential, iterations might apply, such as when bugs must be fixed or product features redesigned. 
  • In the Waterfall methodology, iterations were first seen as inefficiencies of the production process (specifically in requirement gathering, solution design, or implementations) and were sought to be eliminated.
  • With Agile project management, requirement volatility, emerging software architecture, and the need for explorative processes were accepted as inevitable.
  • The need for specialization:
  • The SDLC requires specialized roles to perform the tasks in each phase. These roles generally belong to one of the following categories: business analysts, developers, testers, and operations. The need for specialisation is a byproduct and catalyst of growth.
  • In the very early days of software development, projects were delivered by a small number of people. Early software engineers understood the business and had a working knowledge of computer science (programming languages, coding, algorithms, and IT systems).
  • When projects became more complex, the need for specializations arose, and distinct technical profiles crystallized: developers, testers, business analysts, support desk, DevOps engineers, project managers, etc.
  • Do we use the SDLC for product development and system integration?
  • The SDLC applies perfectly to both flavours of software projects: system integration and product development.
  • The reason is the same as the one we used to answer the question for Agile and Waterfall. The SDLC is a structured approach to solving generic software development questions.

4. What Are the 7 Phases of the SDLC in Software Engineering?

Some people define the SDLC as consisting of 5 stages. Others, on the other hand, prefer the 7-stage definition, which includes Planning and Support (or maintenance). We have adopted the 7-stage SDLC simply because it caters to the process end-to-end.

The seven phases of the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) are Planning, Analysis, Design, Development, Testing, Deployment, and Support and Maintenance.
The seven phases of the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) are Planning, Analysis, Design, Development, Testing, Deployment, and Support and Maintenance.

4.1 Stage 1: Planning

4.1.1 What Activities Occur in the Planning Phase of the SDLC?

The planning phase is the first step in the SDLC. It involves defining the project’s objectives, scope, and requirements. The planning phase is critical because it lays the foundation for the entire project. Some of the key activities in this phase include:

  • Defining the project scope and objectives.
  • Conducting a feasibility study to determine the project’s viability.
  • Defining the project requirements.
  • Developing a project plan and schedule.

4.1.2 Who Are the Stakeholders of the SDLC Planning Phase?

The stakeholders involved directly in the planning and preparation of a software development project are typically:

4.1.3 SDLC Planning Tools and Techniques

While planning and allocating resources, delivery managers ideally aim for the following targets:

  • Creating self-sufficient teams:
  • A self-sufficient team can perform better if it does not need to seek approval or advice from outside its group.
  • Creating a healthy team culture:
  • Creating a healthy team culture requires many ingredients, including a shared history of success.
  • Delivery managers can better plan for future projects by keeping a group together (as much as possible) to leverage their shared experiences and mature relationships.
  • Spreading the load:
  • Optimal resource allocation allows projects to be delivered without sacrificing quality to meet deadlines.
  • Optimal resource allocation also means that resources do not idle when work is scarce.
  • Manage project risk:
  • Although risk must be managed throughout the implementation, it is vital at the beginning so that mitigation plans can be implemented and expectations managed accordingly.

4.2 Stage 2: Analysis

4.2.1 What Activities Occur in the Analysis Phase of the SDLC?

The analysis phase is where the software requirements are analyzed in detail. During this phase, the project team will work with the stakeholders to identify the business requirements, functional requirements, and non-functional requirements. Some of the critical activities in this phase include:

  • Identifying the stakeholders and their needs.
  • Analyzing the business requirements.
  • Defining the functional requirements.
  • Defining the non-functional requirements.

4.2.2 Who Are the Stakeholders in the SDLC Analysis Phase?

The stakeholders involved directly in the analysis phase of a software development project highly depend on whether you are using an Agile Methodology or a Waterfall project management approach. Typically, they would be:

  • Business Analysts
  • Solution Architects
  • Product Managers

4.2.3 SDLC Analysis Phase Techniques

Two criteria must be met for this stage to be successful:

  • Business Requirements:
  • Business requirements must be clarified and documented. Remember, unclear requirements are one of the top reasons for IT project failures.
  • This step differs greatly between Agile and Waterfall. In Agile, new changes are described in Epics and User Stories, while in Waterfall, a Business Requirements Document is created.
  • Effort Estimation:
  • Effort estimation must be precise to ensure the project remains profitable and manage stakeholder expectations well.
  • Different techniques can also be used here depending on the adopted methodology. For example, Agile uses the concepts of velocity and story points, whereas Waterfall uses the traditional top-down estimation technique.

4.3 Stage 3: Design

4.3.1 What Activities Occur in the Design Phase of the SDLC?

The design phase is where the software architecture and design are created. During this phase, the project team will create the software design, including the system architecture, database design, user interface design, and program design. Some of the key activities in this phase include:

  • Creating the system architecture.
  • Developing the database design.
  • Creating the user interface design.
  • Developing the program design.

4.3.2 Who Are the Stakeholders in the SDLC Design Phase?

The stakeholders often involved in the design phase of the SLDC are as follows:

  • Product owners
  • Software architects

The design phase of the SDLC typically involves two main efforts: creating a solution design from software components and documenting, socializing, and approving the design.

4.3.3 SDLC Design Phase Techniques

  • Solution Architecture:
  • All architectural documents are produced at this stage describing the concept of operations and main modules and functions of the systems and subsystems.
  • Interface design also occurs at this stage, which is crucial for development and systems integration projects.
  • HLD and LLD:
  • A Solution Design is completed at different levels for different purposes. A High-Level Design (HLD) gives a bird’s eye view of the solution for major stakeholders, while a low-level solution design (LLD) is a great place to document all the implementation details.

4.4 Stage 4: Development

4.4.1 What Activities Occur in the Development Phase of the SDLC?

The development phase is where the actual software is developed. During this phase, the project team will write the code, perform unit testing, and integrate the components. Some of the key activities in this phase include:

  • Writing the code.
  • Performing unit testing.
  • Integrating the components.

4.4.2 Who Are the Stakeholders in the SDLC Development Phase?

At the core of any development team are those responsible for implementing new features. These are:

4.4.3 SDLC Development Phase Techniques

Developers must produce working software that meets today’s quality standards regarding coding and functionality. The techniques used are numerous, in fact, too many to list here. However, we will name a few to illustrate the idea.

4.5 Stage 5: Testing

4.5.1 What Activities Occur in the Testing Phase of the SDLC?

The testing phase is where the software is tested for defects and errors. During this phase, the project team will perform various types of testing, such as unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing. Some of the key activities in this phase include:

  • Performing unit testing.
  • Running integration testing.
  • Performing system testing.
  • Performing acceptance testing.
  • Running performance tests

4.5.2 Who Are the Stakeholders in the SDLC Testing Phase?

Testing activities have broader to include a range of specialists, of which we name the following:

4.5.3 SDLC Testing Phase Techniques

Software Testing is always a great place to start when looking for ways to optimize your delivery. One significant factor immediately comes to mind: test automation.

  • Test automation:
  • Test automation significantly improves your delivery capabilities and boosts the quality of your testing. In fact, Agile and DevOps are very difficult, if not impossible, to implement without automation.
  • Automating repetitive testing activities also gives your testers the time to think about other equally vital issues, such as test quality, coverage, and efficiency in test preparations.

4.6 Stage 6: Deployment

4.6.1 What Activities Occur in the Deployment Phase of the SDLC?

The deployment phase is where the software is deployed to the production environment. During this phase, the project team will install the software, configure it, and perform any necessary data migration. Some of the key activities in this phase include:

  • Installing the software.
  • Configuring the software.
  • Performing data migration.

4.6.2 Who Are the Stakeholders in the SDLC Deployment Phase?

Deployment has increasingly become more sophisticated through DevOps practices. This has led to new specialised roles being created to cover previously unknown areas:

  • Operations
  • Database admins
  • Cloud experts
  • DevOps Engineers

4.6.3 SDLC Deployment Phase Techniques

Deployment to production has moved to a new level with continuous delivery, automated deployment, and frequent releases. The infrastructure supporting automated and advanced deployment methods (tools and processes) falls under DevOps. DevOps practices allow the fusion of development and operations in a single, streamlined process.

4.7 Stage 7: Support and Maintenance

4.7.1 What Activities Occur under Support and Maintenance?

The maintenance phase is where the software is maintained and updated. During this phase, the project team will fix defects, perform upgrades, and make enhancements to the software. Some of the key activities in this phase include:

  • Fixing defects.
  • Performing upgrades.
  • Making enhancements.

4.7.2 Who Are the Stakeholders in the SDLC Maintenance Phase?

Most software support tasks revolve around running a service desk, which includes the following experts:

  • L1, L2, and L3 support specialists

4.7.3 Support and Maintenance Techniques

Triage, time management, SLA awareness, and customer satisfaction are the hallmarks of customer support.

5. What Are the Benefits of Having an SDLC in Software Engineering?

The benefits of a structured approach to software development using an SDLC are numerous. It can improve software quality, project governance and control, and reduce project risk.
The benefits of a structured approach to software development using an SDLC are numerous. It can improve software quality, project governance and control, and reduce project risk.

A well-defined Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) contributes to various aspects of software engineering, leading to several advantages. Here’s how it helps achieve the specified points:

  • Improved software quality: A structured SDLC ensures thorough testing and validation at each phase, identifying and rectifying defects early in development. Proper documentation and adherence to quality standards contribute to the software’s overall reliability and robustness.
  • Reduced development time: SDLC provides a systematic approach, helping streamline the development process. Efficient planning and well-defined phases minimise unnecessary delays and optimise resource utilization.
  • Minimized project risks: SDLC incorporates risk assessment and management strategies at each stage, allowing for proactive identification and mitigation of potential issues. Regular reviews and checkpoints help in the early detection and resolution of risks, reducing the overall project vulnerability.
  • Increased customer satisfaction: A well-structured SDLC ensures that the software developed aligns with customer requirements through continuous feedback and validation. Transparent communication and collaboration allow customers to participate actively in the development process, leading to a product that meets or exceeds expectations.
  • Better communication and collaboration among project stakeholders: SDLC emphasizes communication channels and collaboration frameworks, ensuring all stakeholders are on the same page throughout the development life cycle. Regular status updates, reviews, and documentation enhance understanding and coordination among team members and stakeholders.
  • Improved project management and control: SDLC provides a clear roadmap for project managers, enabling effective planning, resource allocation, and progress tracking. Defined milestones and checkpoints facilitate better control over the project’s trajectory, making it easier to address deviations promptly.
  • Increased return on investment (ROI): Efficient resource utilization, reduced risks, and timely delivery contribute to a more favourable ROI. SDLC’s focus on quality ensures that the end product meets market expectations, enhancing its marketability and long-term viability.

A well-defined SDLC is instrumental in achieving these goals by providing a structured framework that promotes efficiency, collaboration, and quality throughout the software development process.

Challenges of implementing an efficient Sdlc

Balancing flexibility with structure

The SDLC can be very structured, limiting the project team’s flexibility.

Balancing flexibility with structure is key to ensuring that the project team can respond to changes in requirements or other issues that may arise.

6. Improving Deliveries and the SDLC

6.1 Why Does the SDLC Need Continuous Improvement?

The fundamental ideas of the SDLC have changed very little over the past 50 years, but its implementation details have undergone a huge metamorphosis. This change is visible in the following areas:

  • Expanded SDLC stages
  • Sophisticated activities
  • Advanced tools and techniques
  • Increased specialization of roles.

This expansion and sophistication meant that the implementation details of the SDLC (or how exactly it runs as a process) have become increasingly relevant to its efficiency and effectiveness in affording the successful delivery of software projects. As with anything complex, the SDLC requires continuous maintenance, adaptation, and improvement.

In the next few sections, we will tackle some powerful techniques to improve your SDLC.

6.2 Process Standardization

Employees sometimes view standardization as a means for curbing creativity, innovation, and personal initiatives.

While that statement may not be entirely untrue, process standardization across the organization guarantees minimum outcome variations (see article on Six Sigma) and ensures improvements are applied consistently.

What is essential in standardization is that you pick time-proven methods and use them consistently. You can always run continuous improvement exercises on those methods for optimal results.

If you create bespoke processes for your organization, there will be significant implications. While a customized standard of operations may work better for you in the long run, its initial cost can be pretty high. Ideally, you want to use a vocabulary that everybody can understand so that integrating new people into your teams or discussing issues with customers remains simple.

6.3 Reducing Non-Value-Adding Work

The five steps devised by Taiichi Ohno for waste elimination on the shop floor.
The five steps devised by Taiichi Ohno for waste elimination on the shop floor.

Taiichi Ohno, one of the top contributors to the world-famous Toyota Production System, implemented the following technique for eliminating waste on the shop floor of the Toyota production plants to an astounding degree of perfection. The process is as follows:

  • Step 1: Meticulous observation
  • Spend as much time observing the production processes, preferably with experienced staff.
  • Step 2: Make a List
  • List all the repetitive steps required to complete a particular task.
  • Step 3: Activity Mapping
  • Find out which ones produce value and which ones don’t.
  • Step 4: Identifying Non-Value-Adding Activities
  • Work with the team members to identify non-value-adding steps such as overhead, rework, or enabling activities.
  • Step 5: Eliminating Non-Value-Adding Activities
  • Enhance internal processes in collaboration with team members to eliminate all forms of waste.

This five-step process should not be confused with scientific management (a.k.a. Taylorism). Scientific management, proposed by Frederick Taylor in the 1880s, was likely to be counter-productive as employees found ways to game the system.

This method is a radical deviation from the statistical analysis of data collected remotely and analysed behind a comfortable desk. Its advantages include gathering firsthand information as seen through experienced eyes. This method is known in Toyota as Genchi Genbutsu.

6.4 Team Structure and Performance

Although it would not make much sense to have a prescription for team size and profiles for its members, some rules of thumb apply in non-complex environments. Here are some expert opinions on the matter:

  • Optimal team size:
  • Martin Fowler, one of the 17 founders of Agile, describes the most performant team as follows: Keep the team size small for maximum communication and efficiency.
  • Ideally, the golden number is less than ten people.
  • Another magic number seems to be seven if we believe the results of a paper published in 1956 by George Miller. From experience, managing the interactions of any more than seven people overwhelms our cognitive abilities, and things will start to slip.
  • Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg published a book in 2014 called How Google Works. In this book, they stated that the maximum number of people a single person can efficiently manage is around seven. Use the same team across multiple projects so that they can benefit from their shared knowledge of the application.
  • Space distribution at the workplace:
  • In the same book, How Google Works, Google focuses on getting teams to work in smaller spaces, without physical barriers, and encourages relationship building.
  • The Agile Manifesto says the following on communication: The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation.
  • Team composition:
  • Schmidt and Rosenberg also have a specific recruitment process that ensures only the right people get on board.
  • Google strives to hire interesting people. The criteria are as follows: If you get stuck in an airport with a colleague, can you find interesting topics for discussion?
  • Let’s now turn to the Agile Manifesto for more inspiration on team structure. One of the main principles in the manifesto is as follows: The best architectures and designs emerge from self-organising teams.
  • Team motivation:
  • It is undeniable that kayaking with the team always positively impacts the mood. However, I am convinced that team-building exercises alone are insufficient (or even remotely relevant) to improve the team’s performance.
  • Emotionally charged traumatic experiences dwarf the positive ones; unfortunately, our brains weigh experiences differently (see the excellent book Thinking Fast and Slow and Schein’s model of organisational culture).

6.5 Retrospectives, Kaizen Workshops, and Continuous Improvement Processes

At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behaviour accordingly.

— The Agile Manifesto

As the organization grows and pressure for faster and better deliveries increases, people will find less time to improve what they do. In his timeless classic The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey describes this phenomenon as “sharpening the saw”.

Even if individual initiatives were made here and there, these would continue to be local, spurious improvements and cease to suffice.

To maintain software delivery in top shape, continuous improvement methods must be ingrained in the DNA of the system. In addition to that, they also need to be amalgamated into a single, system-wide activity. Scrum uses retrospectives after each sprint. The double activity of Kaizen and Hansei is slightly different, but the objective is the same.

Such exercises are essential for morale; they convey to the staff that the company is committed to continuously improving its people and processes, not just about the present but also the future.

7. Stability vs Adaptability: Responding to Change in the SDLC

7.1 Working in a Dynamic Environment

The software development industry has undergone significant changes, which can be readily seen in the remarkable technological advances of the last two decades and the prevalence of software in every area of life.

This rapid and boiling dynamic impacts software development, specifically the Software Development Lifecycle. While technology has its own lifecycle, it constantly drags software development with it. Every time a new technology is invented, customer preferences evolve, and new methods of integrating the technology into the development process become vital.

Therefore, the SDLC must evolve. As mentioned before, while its fundamental concepts remain the same, its implementation is constantly changing.

7.2 Technology Lifecycles

The pace at which software or any other technology-based industry changes is breathtaking. Sometimes, that leaves us with a feeling of helplessness that’s difficult to ignore.

The question then becomes, how do we, as professionals in the software industry, keep producing premium-quality products despite the ever-changing nature of technology, tools, techniques, and methods that come with it?

It might help to look at the software industry’s evolution not as a homogenous, monolithic entity but as four significant sub-fields, each characterised by a predetermined lifetime.

ToolsProgramming languages, frameworks, and database engines.< 10 years
Delivery Methods, Customer PreferencesProject management techniques, project delivery methodologies (Agile, Waterfall, DevOps), business needs (eCommerce, payment methods, IoT, smartwatches, cloud technology…)10-20 years
Tech ConceptsPersonal computers, quantum computing, digitization, internet, smartphones, AI…)20-30 years
Business ManagementTaylorism, The Toyota Way, Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma, Operational Excellence30+ years
The Lifetime of Technology Sub-fields

The lifetime in this context does not represent an expiration but the average duration before a newer concept arises and challenges the status quo.

Like any other field in science or technology, historical progress seems to happen in jumps, followed by plateaus, rather than monotonic, incremental improvement.

7.3 Measured Responses to Disruptions

What would be an adequate response from your organization for the above four disruption levels? Below are some thoughts.

Level 1: Short-Term Fluctuations

Level 1 entries appear and disappear every day. Use reliable technology, always! The gravest mistake you can commit would be trying to catch up with their destructive pace.

Level 2: Big Changes

Level 2 entries are technological trends that change dramatically every decade or two. Consider the emergence of digital payments, for example. While people still use cash nowadays, they would also like to take advantage of the convenience of mobile phones or watches.

Although embracing those new methods is not strictly vital, not doing so places your business in a less-than-ideal situation vis-a-vis competition.

Level 3: Major Disruptions

Looking at entries from Level 3, we immediately recognize game-changing technological revolutions that put so many giants out of business overnight.

Those past giants failed to reinvent their value proposition and were swiftly replaced by newcomers who leveraged new technologies to offer innovative solutions.

Level 4: Paradigm Shifts

It is somehow fortunate that the more potent concepts of Level 4, those that make a business successful or otherwise, change exceptionally slowly. There is more than enough time for everyone to master them.

These occur as part of larger sociological, economic, or technological revolutions. Because Level 4 fields, such as Operational Excellence and Complexity Theory, sit at the top of the hierarchy as one of the lot’s most stable concepts, ideas, and mental constructs, it makes sense to consider them and invest time in applying and mastering them thoroughly.

8. Final Words

We hope this article has allowed you to understand the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) and the most popular techniques and tools for its implementation. We also hope that we have successfully conveyed the need for continuous improvement in pursuit of Operational Excellence.

The SDLC is of prime importance to any software developer as it’s the common denominator, the main thread in the story of any development team.

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