From S-Expressions to AI: A Deep Dive into Lisp Programming Language

Lisp is a programming language developed in the late 1950s by John McCarthy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Lisp stands for “LISt Processing” and is known for its ability to manipulate symbolic data structures and its use of functional programming concepts.

In this article, we will explore the development of Lisp and why it is still in use. We will conclude with some examples of Lisp code.

1. The Development of Lisp

Lisp is one of the oldest programming languages that are still in use today. Over the years, Lisp has undergone several major revisions and releases. Here are some key milestones in the development of Lisp:

Lisp's long history started in 1950 when John McCarthy created it in the MIT labs. Today Lisp is a niche programming language cherished by a small but dedicated community.
Lisp’s long history started in 1950 when John McCarthy created it in the MIT labs. Today Lisp is a niche programming language cherished by a small but dedicated community.
  • 1958: John McCarthy develops the first version of Lisp.
  • The 1960s saw several Lisp dialects being developed, including MacLisp, InterLisp, and Lisp Machine Lisp.
  • Scheme was developed in the 1970s as a minimalist dialect of Lisp.
  • In the 1980s, Common Lisp is developed as a standard for Lisp.

Lisp has also significantly influenced the development of other programming languages. For example, the syntax of Lisp has been adapted by languages such as JavaScript, Python, and Ruby. Lisp has also influenced the development of functional programming concepts, which are now widely used in languages such as Haskell and Clojure.

2. Why Lisp is Still Used Today

Despite being developed over 60 years ago, Lisp is still used today for several reasons. Here are some of the unique features of Lisp that make it attractive for certain applications:

Interactive programming, symbolic computation, macros, and rich history of machine learning research make Lisp a unique programming language.
Interactive programming, symbolic computation, macros, and a rich history of machine learning research make Lisp a unique programming language.
  • Interactive programming: Lisp allows programmers to modify and test code interactively, making debugging and developing programs easier.
  • Symbolic computation: Lisp has powerful capabilities for manipulating symbolic data structures, such as lists and trees.
  • Macros: Lisp allows programmers to define their own syntax and language constructs using macros, which can lead to more concise and expressive code.
  • AI and machine learning: Lisp has historically been used in artificial intelligence and machine learning research and is still used in some research areas.

Lisp has also been used in real-world applications, such as the Emacs text editor and the AutoCAD drafting software.

3. Examples of Lisp Code

Lisp code is typically written in a series of lists enclosed in parentheses. Here are some examples of Lisp code for common programming tasks:

3.1 Basic Syntax and Structure of Lisp Code

;; Comments start with a semicolon
(defun factorial (n)    ; Define a function called factorial
  (if (<= n 1)         ; If n is less than or equal to 1
      1                ; Return 1
      (* n (factorial (- n 1))))) ; Otherwise, return n times the factorial of n-1

3.2 Examples of Lisp Code for Data Manipulation

(setf my-list '(1 2 3)) ; Define a list called my-list
(first my-list)         ; Return the first element of my-list
(rest my-list)          ; Return all elements of my-list except the first
(append my-list '(4 5)) ; Append the list (4 5) to my-list

3.3 Examples of Lisp Code for Algorithm Implementation

(defun quicksort (list)
  (if (null list)
      (let ((pivot (car list)))
         (quicksort (remove-if-not (lambda (x) (< x pivot)) (cdr list)))
         (list pivot)
         (quicksort (remove-if-not (lambda (x) (>= x pivot)) (cdr list)))))))

4. What Makes Lisp Unique as a Programming Language?

Here are some unique features of Lisp and examples of each.

4.1 Interactive Programming in Lisp

Lisp allows programmers to modify and test code as they go, making debugging and developing programs easier. This is possible because Lisp’s interpreter allows the programmer to evaluate expressions in real time and modify the program state on-the-fly.

For example, suppose a programmer is working on a Lisp program that defines a function. In that case, they can test the function by calling it with various arguments and seeing the output immediately:

(defun square (x)
  (* x x))

(square 2)
;; Returns 4

(square 3)
;; Returns 9

4.2 Symbolic Computation in Lisp

Lisp is powerful for manipulating symbolic data structures like lists and trees. This makes Lisp well-suited for applications such as artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and symbolic mathematics. For example, here is a Lisp program that defines a function for finding the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two integers using the Euclidean algorithm:

(defun gcd (a b)
  (if (= b 0)
      (gcd b (mod a b))))

(gcd 12 18)
;; Returns 6

In this example, the GCD function uses recursion to calculate the GCD of two integers, and the mod function calculates the remainder of the division operation.

4.3 Macros in Lisp

Lisp allows programmers to define their own syntax and language constructs using macros, which can lead to more concise and expressive code. Macros are functions that generate Lisp code and can be used to implement new language constructs or extend existing ones.

For example, here is a simple Lisp macro that generates a loop construct that iterates over a range of integers:

(defmacro my-loop ((var start stop &optional (step 1)) &body body)
  `(do ((,var ,start (+ ,var ,step)))
       ((> ,var ,stop))

(my-loop (i 1 10) (print i))
;; Prints the integers from 1 to 10

In this example, the my-loop macro generates a do loop that iterates over the integers between the start and end values, using the step value as the increment. The programmer specifies the loop’s body using the &body keyword.

4.4 AI and Machine Learning

Lisp has a long history of being used in artificial intelligence and machine learning research and is still used in some research areas today. This is partly due to Lisp’s support for symbolic computation and its ability to represent and manipulate complex data structures.

For example, here is a Lisp program that defines a function for training a simple neural network to perform binary classification:

(defun sigmoid (x)
  (/ 1 (+ 1 (exp (- x)))))

(defun train-neural-network (inputs targets learning-rate iterations)
  (let* ((num-inputs (length (first inputs)))
         (num-hidden 2)
         (num-outputs 1)
         (hidden-layer (make-array num-hidden :initial-element 0.0))
         (output-layer (make-array num-outputs :initial-element 0.0))
         (hidden-weights (make-array (list num-inputs num-hidden) :initial-element 0.0))
         (output-weights (make-array (list num-hidden num-outputs) :initial-element 0.0)))
    ;; initialize weights randomly
    (dotimes (i (array-total-size hidden-weights))
      (setf (aref hidden-weights i) (random 1.0)))
    (dotimes (i (array-total-size output-weights))
      (setf (aref output-weights i) (random 1.0)))

;; train the network
(dotimes (i iterations)
  (dotimes (j (length inputs))
    (let* ((input (aref inputs j))
           (target (aref targets j))
           (hidden-inputs (dot-product input hidden-weights))
           (hidden-outputs (map 'vector #'sigmoid hidden-inputs))
           (output-input (dot-product hidden-outputs output-weights))
           (output (sigmoid output-input))
           (output-error (- target output))
           (output-gradient (* output-error output (* (- 1 output))))
           (hidden-error (dot-product output-gradient (transpose output-weights)))
           (hidden-gradient (map 'vector #'* hidden-outputs (- 1 hidden-outputs) hidden-error)))
      (dotimes (k num-outputs)
        (setf (aref output-layer k) output))
      (dotimes (k num-hidden)
        (setf (aref hidden-layer k) (aref hidden-outputs k)))
      (dotimes (k num-outputs)
        (dotimes (l num-hidden)
          (let ((delta (* output-gradient (aref hidden-outputs l))))
            (setf (aref output-weights l k) (+ (aref output-weights l k) (* learning-rate delta))))))
      (dotimes (k num-hidden)
        (dotimes (l num-inputs)
          (let ((delta (* (aref hidden-gradient k) (aref input l))))
            (setf (aref hidden-weights l k) (+ (aref hidden-weights l k) (* learning-rate delta)))))))))
(list hidden-weights output-weights))))

In this example, the train-neural-network function defines a simple neural network with two hidden nodes and one output node and trains it using a backpropagation algorithm. The function takes as input a set of training data, target outputs, a learning rate, and several training iterations. The output of the function is the weights of the trained network.

5. Should I learn Lisp?

Whether or not you should learn Lisp depends on your interests and goals as a programmer. Here are a few factors to consider:

  • Lisp is a niche language: Lisp is not as widely used as other programming languages like Python or Java, so the demand for Lisp programmers may be more limited. However, many industries and applications still use Lisp, such as artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and computer algebra systems.
  • Lisp has a unique syntax: Lisp’s syntax can be slightly different from other programming languages, so it may take some time to get used to. However, once you understand Lisp’s syntax and underlying principles, it can be a powerful tool for symbolic computation and other applications.
  • Lisp has a rich history and community: Lisp has been around since the 1950s and has a rich history in computer science. It also has a dedicated community of users who continue to develop new libraries and applications in Lisp.
  • Learning Lisp can expand your programming skills: Learning Lisp can help you develop new ways of thinking about programming and problem-solving. Even if you don’t use Lisp extensively in your career, the skills and perspectives you gain from learning Lisp can be valuable in other areas of programming.

Whether or not you should learn Lisp depends on your interests and goals as a programmer. If you’re interested in artificial intelligence, symbolic computation, or other areas where Lisp is commonly used, learning Lisp can be a valuable investment in your skills and knowledge. However, if your interests lie in other areas, you may find other programming languages to better suit your needs.

6. How can I install and run Lisp programs?

There are several options for installing and running Lisp programs. Here are some steps you can follow:

  • Choose a Lisp implementation: There are several Lisp implementations available, including Common Lisp, Scheme, and Clojure. Common Lisp is the most widely used implementation and has the most libraries and resources available. Choose an implementation based on your needs and interests.
  • Install a Lisp environment: Once you’ve chosen a Lisp implementation, you’ll need to install a Lisp environment on your computer. Some popular options include:
  • Write and run Lisp code: Once you have a Lisp environment, you can write Lisp code using a text editor or an IDE. Save your code with a .lisp or .scm extension. To run your code, open a terminal or command prompt, navigate to the directory where your code is saved, and enter the command to start the Lisp environment. For example, to start SBCL, enter “sbcl” in the terminal. Then, enter the command to load your code. For example, to load a file called “my-program.lisp”, you would enter “(load ‘my-program)”.

Some popular Lisp environment options include:

  1. SBCL (Steel Bank Common Lisp): A high-performance implementation of Common Lisp
  2. Emacs: A popular text editor with built-in support for Common Lisp
  3. LispWorks: A commercial IDE for Common Lisp
  4. DrRacket: An IDE for Scheme with support for other languages

Here are some popular IDEs for Lisp programming:

  • Emacs: Emacs is a text editor with built-in support for Lisp. It includes syntax highlighting, code formatting, and interactive debugging.
  • SLIME: SLIME (Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs) is an Emacs plugin that provides a powerful IDE for Common Lisp. It includes features such as code completion, debugging, and REPL integration.
  • LispWorks: LispWorks is a commercial IDE for Common Lisp. It includes code profiling, code coverage analysis, and a GUI builder.
  • Clojure IntelliJ: Clojure IntelliJ is an IDE for Clojure that provides features such as code highlighting, code completion, and REPL integration.
  • DrRacket: DrRacket is an IDE for Scheme that provides syntax highlighting, code formatting, and interactive debugging features.

7. How does Lisp Compare to Python?

Lisp and Python are high-level programming languages, but their design and purpose differ. Here’s a comparison of Lisp and Python in terms of performance, learning curve, and adoption:

PerformanceFastSlower due to being an interpreted language
Learning CurveSteeper learning curveEasier for beginners and a large support community
AdoptionNiche followingLarge community and active support
A generic comparison between Lisp and Python

7.1 Performance

Lisp is generally faster than Python due to its low-level design and the absence of a Global Interpreter Lock (GIL). Lisp’s speed is particularly noticeable in applications that involve heavy mathematical computations.

Python’s performance is generally slower than Lisp due to its interpreted nature and the GIL, which can limit parallelism in multithreaded applications.

7.2 Learning Curve

Lisp has a reputation for being a difficult language to learn due to its syntax and concepts, such as macros, which can be challenging for beginners. However, Lisp’s simplicity and consistency can also make learning easier in some ways.

Python is known for its simplicity and readability, making it an easy language for beginners. Its extensive documentation and large user community make it a popular choice for beginners.

7.3 Adoption

Lisp has a relatively small user community compared to Python, but it has been used in academic and research settings for decades. Lisp’s adoption has also been boosted by its use in artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and symbolic computing.

Python is one of the world’s most widely used programming languages, with a large user community and a wide range of applications. It is used in web development, data science, scientific computing, machine learning, and more.

7.4 Summary

In summary, Lisp and Python have different strengths and weaknesses regarding performance, learning curve, and adoption. Lisp is generally faster than Python but has a steeper learning curve and a smaller user community. On the other hand, Python is slower than Lisp but has a large user community and is easy to learn.

8. Conclusion

Lisp’s unique features and capabilities make it a powerful tool for various applications, from symbolic computation to artificial intelligence and machine learning. While it may not be as widely used as some other programming languages, it continues to have a dedicated community of users who appreciate its unique strengths and contributions to the field of computer science.

Lisp is a programming language that has significantly impacted the development of computer science and programming languages. Despite being developed over 60 years ago, Lisp is still in use today and continues to influence the development of new programming languages and concepts.

One of the reasons Lisp has remained relevant is its ability to manipulate symbolic data structures, which makes it well-suited for certain applications such as artificial intelligence and natural language processing. Lisp’s support for interactive programming and macros also makes it a powerful tool for writing concise and expressive code.

Although Lisp is not as widely used as other programming languages, it has a dedicated community of users who appreciate its unique features and capabilities. Several resources are available online for those interested in learning Lisp, including tutorials, books, and online communities.

In summary, Lisp is a fascinating and powerful programming language that has stood the test of time. Its legacy can be seen in developing other programming languages and concepts, and it continues to be used and appreciated by programmers and researchers today.


  1. Good article, but I have 2 remarks based on my experience:
    1) Python is not just “slower”, it is painfully slow (the only reasonably fast things are the 3rd party libraries implemented in C or Fortran)
    2) I’d like to suggest to add a row to the table in section7:

    | bit rot | Lisp: none[1] | Python: immediately[2] |

    [1] (Common) Lisp is a stable standardized (and complete) language, the written software will compile and function in 10+ years.
    [2] Python is fast changing/developing, which means your program will likely not work in two years anymore without excessive maintenance effort.

    1. Thanks HPCadmin, for your comment. It’s an interesting perspective on the two languages. I will consider it in the next update to this article.

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